Japanese TV Feature
Underwater Pole on Japanese Television
In August we were lucky to be asked by Japanese TV show ‘Sekai No Hatte Madde Itte Q!’ (translated: Riddles at End of the Earth!), a weekly prime-time show which airs nationwide in Japan, if they could come and film one of Brett’s Underwater Pole Dance photoshoots here in Los Angeles. Of course we said yes!
We met the crew at the pool in LA and after a demonstration by Pole Instructor Elena Anishchenko we got their presenters in the water. Underwater pole is hard even for an experienced dancer, but these ladies hadn’t even been on a pole before so it was not going to be easy. Luckily they were well known as comedians in Japan so they certainly made the most of the shoot!
You can watch the episode here, our segment starts at around 28:00.
It was so cool to be part of this show, and very flattering to be invited on!
Massive thanks to our team on the day, Jessica, Brianna, & Elena, and to the show for giving Brett a nice deep voice over.