Underwater Mystic Set – Open Shoot Day
Long Beach, California
– 16 March –
Bring your best outfit and
shoot in our custom built underwater set!
“WOW….incredible experience!”
When is it?
16th March 2019
What’s the location?
Our custom designed Underwater Photo Studio in Long Beach, California – just off the 710 freeway. Our studio pool is private and heated so comfort is a priority!
What is this?
We create underwater sets for our clients, and for the first time we are opening them up to the public. Our sets are built to withstand the pressures of being submerged and the feeling of floating in a watery room is just dreamy!
Who is this for?
This is for anyone who wants to have an experience like no other! Imagine floating weightless in a fully furnished room, being free to glide/hover/float and twist where you want. Bring your own outfits and props to create your own story.
Our photographer Brett Stanley is very good at making people feel comfortable in the water, and even people who can’t swim get great results!
What’s the cost?
Underwater photoshoots can be very expensive to put together, especially something this unique, but we’ve tried to keep our prices low to make it affordable for anyone. You can also share a package with a friend or partner if you like, making it more affordable.
Underwater Set Package ($599)
- 1 x 60 Minute Pool Session
- 2 people included
- 5 x Retouched High Resolution Images
- Private Online Gallery (for viewing & ordering images)
- Posing & Breath-hold Coaching
- Use of all props and available outfits
Optional Extras
- Underwater makeup**: $125/person
- Additional person per shoot (Doubles or Group): $150/person
- Additional retouched images: $75/image (bulk discount prices available)
- 60 Second Slow Motion Video: $300
We can organise a payment plan if needed.
** (Makeup needs to be specifically waterproof or it will come off once you get in the pool, alternatively we can have one of our experienced underwater makeup artists at the shoot for you.)
Read our Frequently Asked Questions for more details.
“It was my first time doing anything underwater but Brett gave me lots of prep before hand and made it an awesome experience. Super happy with the result and would totally recommend it!”
How To Book
Places are very limited, so please fill out the form below to register your interest:
[contact-form-7 id=”2192″ title=”Booking Form”]
“Experience of a lifetime! Fantastic shots!”
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